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Anti Dandruff Shampoo

Dandruff is a scalp disorder which occurs  due to factors like irritated oily skin, dry skin, not shampooing often enough, fungus/bacteria growth on scalp, and other skin conditions. Such factors cause formation of dry skin flakes and causes itchiness. Sensitivity to hair care products is also one factor that can cause dandruff. Selecting the wrong shampoo can make your dandruff appear worse. To get rid of these flakes, try Ayurvedic anti-dandruff shampoo. Using this shampoo, one can cleanse both hair and scalp. Skin friendly ingredients are used for making it, which makes it mild yet effective shampoo.

Key Points:

1) Using anti-dandruff herbal shampoo, you can not only get rid of dandruff, but also prevent it to come again.
2) The herbs present in the shampoo controls dandruff and stops itching and skin exfoliation.
3) The shampoo with conditioning properties, nourishes hair and scalp.
4) Once dandruff is controlled, one can automatically control hair fall.
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Anti Dandruff Ayurvedic Shampoo

Price: 1 INR/Carton

This Anti Dandruff Ayurvedic Shampoo is highly effective to alleviate harmful effects of sunlight and dust. The offered shampoo is used to be applied on the scalp to prevent dryness which can cause dandruff and itchiness. Processed by utilizing using ayurvedic ingredients, proper use of the offered shampoo helps to provide thick, soft and glossy hair texture. Customers can buy this hair strengthening Anti Dandruff Ayurvedic Shampoo from us in airtight packaging.

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Nimbus Herbal Anti-Dandruff Shampoo with Conditioner

Price: 1 INR/Carton

Known to lock moisture into the hair and scalp, this Nimbus Herbal Anti-Dandruff Shampoo with Conditioner is processed with the use of natural ingredients. Customers extensively use the provided shampoo to acquire soft texture and to prevent premature hair fall. It also helps in strengthening of hair and cleansing of the scalp to prevent dandruff. We offer this Nimbus Herbal Anti-Dandruff Shampoo with Conditioner to alleviate the detrimental effect caused by sunlight.


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